ALTEON L4 스위치 설정하기
- 비아웹 오래 전 2022.02.11 18:55 인기
- 5,645
- 0
- L4 IP :
S/N : GW:
- VIP :
- Real IP : ,,
- PORT : 80 / 443 / 2222
ADMIN 패스워드 설정 (default : admin)
>> Main# /cfg/sys/access/user
>> User Access Control# admpw
Changing ADMINISTRATOR password; validation required:
Enter current admin password:(기존Password)
Enter newadministrator password:(변경할 Password)
Re-enter newadministrator password:(변경할 Password)
New administrator password accepted.
>> Main# /cfg/sys/access
>> System Access# snmp r
>> System Access# tnet ena
>> System Access# http ena <=WEB-UI 관리 필요할 경우
ACL 설정
>> Main# /cfg/sys/access/mgmt/add ssh
* ssh, telnet, http, https, snmp or all
L4 스위치 IP 설정
>> Main# /cfg/l3/if1>>IP Interface 1# ena
>>IP Interface 1# ipver v4
>>IP Interface 1# addr>>IP Interface 1# mask>>IP Interface 1# broad>>IP Interface 1# /cfg/l3/gw 1>> Default gateway 1# ena
>> Default gateway 1# ipver v4
>> Default gateway 1# addr>> Default gateway 1# /cfg/slb
>> Layer 4# on
Real IP 설정
>> Main# /cfg/slb/real 1>> Real Server 1 # ena
>> Real Server 1 # ipver v4
>> Real Server 1 # rip>> Main# /cfg/slb/real 2>> Real Server 2 # ena
>> Real Server 2 # ipver v4
>> Real Server 2 # rip>> Main# /cfg/slb/real 3>> Real Server 3 # ena
>> Real Server 3 # ipver v4
>> Real Server 3 # rip
Group 설정
>> Main# /cfg/slb/group 1<= Port 80>> Real Server Group 1# ipver v4
>> Real Server Group 1# add 1<= Real IP1(>> Real Server Group 1# add 2<= Real IP2(>> Real Server Group 1# add 3<= Real IP3(>> Main# /cfg/slb/group 2<= Port 443>> Real Server Group 2# ipver v4
>> Real Server Group 2# add 1>> Real Server Group 2# add 2>> Real Server Group 2# add 3>> Main# /cfg/slb/group 3<= Port 2222>> Real Server Group 3# ipver v4
>> Real Server Group 3# add 1>> Real Server Group 3# add 2>> Real Server Group 3# add 3
Virtual IP & Group 포트 지정
>> Main# /cfg/slb/virt 1>> Virtual Server 1# ena
>> Virtual Server 1# ipver v4
>> Virtual Server 1# vip>>/c/slb/virt 1/service http
group 1>>/c/slb/virt 1/service https
group 2>>/c/slb/virt 1/service 2222
group 3
# L4 스위치 포트 오픈
>> Main# /cfg/slb/port 1>>SLB Port 1# server ena
>> Main# /cfg/slb/port 2>>SLB Port 2# server ena
::>> Main# /cfg/slb/port 8 외부에서 들어오는 포트는 Client Enable
>>SLB Port 8# client ena
* 적용
>> Main# apply
* 저장
>> Main# save
* 적용 / 저장
>> Main# apply / save
MAC 주소 확인
>> Main# /info/l3/arp/------------------------------------------------------------[Address Resolution Protocol Menu]
find - Show a single ARP entry by IP address
port - Show ARP entries on a single port
vlan - Show ARP entries on a single VLAN
refpt - Show ARP entries referenced by a single SP
dump - Show all ARP entries
help - Show help on the fields ofARP entries
addr - Show ARP address list
>> Address Resolution Protocol# dump
IP address Flags MAC address VLAN Port Referenced SPs
Direct 옵션(default는 disabled : RealIP를 통한 직접 서비스 불가)>> Main# /cfg/slb/adv
>> Layer 4 Advanced# direct ena
IDLE-set time for idle cli sessions(CLI 모드 시간 설정)(default 는 5minutes)>> Main# /cfg/sys>> System# idle 10
매니지먼트포트 사용 시 IP>> Main# /cfg/sys/mmgmt
>> Management Port# addr x.x.x.x
>> Management Port# mask x.x.x.x
>> Management Port# broad x.x.x.255>> Management Port# gw x.x.x.x
SLB 동작 확인
>> Main# /info/slb/dump
전체 설정 확인
>> Main# /cfg/dump
Timezone 설정
>> Main# /cfg/sys/timezone
Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.
Please select a continent or ocean.1) Africa
2) Americas
3) Antarctica
4) Arctic Ocean
5) Asia
6) Atlantic Ocean
7) Australia
8) Europe
9) Indian Ocean
10) Pacific Ocean
11) None - disable timezone setting
Enter the number of your choice:5
Please select a country.1) Afghanistan 18) Israel 35) Palestine
2) Armenia 19) Japan 36) Philippines
3) Azerbaijan 20) Jordan 37) Qatar
4) Bahrain 21) Kazakhstan 38) Russia
5) Bangladesh 22)Korea(North)39) Saudi Arabia
6) Bhutan 23)Korea(South)40) Singapore
7) Brunei 24) Kuwait 41) Sri Lanka
8) Cambodia 25) Kyrgyzstan 42) Syria
9) China 26) Laos 43) Taiwan
10) Cyprus 27) Lebanon 44) Tajikistan
11) East Timor 28) Macau 45) Thailand
12) Georgia 29) Malaysia 46) Turkmenistan
13) Hong Kong 30) Mongolia 47) United Arab Emirates
14) India 31)Myanmar(Burma)48) Uzbekistan
15) Indonesia 32) Nepal 49) Vietnam
16) Iran 33) Oman 50) Yemen
17) Iraq 34) Pakistan
Enter the number of your choice:23NTP 서버 설정
>> Main# /cfg/sys/ntp/>>NTP Server# on
>>NTP Server# prisrv <NTP 서버 IP>
서버호스팅 비아웹
- 이전글Fortigate 명령어2022.02.11
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